Thursday, November 3, 2011

Two loves

I had this great post idea: tips on networking!!  Well because I love it...meeting new fascinating people...being out and about...but then I remembered, MOST do not love networking as much as I do.  But let's face it, lovlies, it is es-sen-tial to building a business/brand particularly in the fashion industry.  So...I thought I would combine my little talk on networking with another love: SHOES!!  Who doesn't love looking at shoe porn??  Further convoluting this post I thought I would highlight shoes from the most fabulous designer Yotam Solomon who I was just introduced to by my super amazing friend Miss Charlotte Wood.  Miss Char just started working with Mr. Solomon.

Anyways...back to the subject at hand...networking.  What I just described is, in fact, a great story about networking...I know Charlotte who knows Yotam and I was introduced to his work through Charlotte.  I might use his clothes in one of my future shoots or just purchase a few things for myself.  He might need a stylist and Charlotte might recommend me.  Who knows? But now I have an in.  I wouldn't be some random, strange person calling...well not too random or strange.  Ha!  Time for some shoes...

The's not what you know, it's who you know could never be truer.  Of course, once you get a little help getting your fabulous foot in the door then it is all about what you know.  But first, getting said foot in the door...
  • Always ask.  You might meet someone you would love to work with but are afraid to talk to them.  DON'T BE AFRAID.  Just do it.  Ask for their contact info and say hey, can I call you/email you sometime and ask you a few questions about how you got started?  Trust me they remember the people who helped them out at the beginning of their career and want to return the favor.
  • Get your name and resume/portfolio in front of as many people as possible.  Do the work and find people in your industry and email them.  Say you would love to assist them in future projects.  You might email 20 and only hear back from what!  Do it anyway...who knows where those two new contacts will lead you.
  • Energy in = Energy out.  The universe works in mysterious ways.  You might send out 20 emails one day and nothing happens from those emails but the next day you get a random call for a job.  Always be putting energy into your business.  Do something everyday that grows it and moves it forward.
  •  Be your best person ALWAYS!!  Whether that is at your side job, or being an unpaid PA on a micro-budget indie.  You never know who is watching.  Your reputation will proceed you...make sure it's a good one.  Photo shoots or film sets are a team of people working together and ANY of those people could be the one hiring you or referring you to your next job.
And now...a final pair of shoes...

Happy networking!!!  

And can do anything if you have the right pair of shoes!

Oh and one more pair of shoes...on Yotam's website there is the MOST amazing pair of shoes in his Fall - Winter 2010 Native American collection called the Pandora Wedge.  I couldn't find a pic so click now and see the deliciousness for yourself.  CLICKITY


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Zombie Prom Queen

I know it is a few days after Halloween but better late than never.  I had a blast this year designing my costume!!  At first I wasn't going to dress up but after going through some of my vintage dresses I found this amazing 80's style Molly Ringwald dress and instantly thought ZOMBIE PROM QUEEN!!  Clearly I'm a bit twisted.  I aged the dress with brown chalk, red wine and fake blood...ripped off the hem at the bottom and cut it up a bit... and voila!!  Fabulously scary right?!

Holy heck batman

BAM!!!  BOOM!!!  CRASH!!!  A little fun with a cape.

Photographer:  Sean Willis
Model:  Jessica Aimee
Hair/MUA:  Eddie Giron